Jumat, 01 Januari 2016


1. Notion
   Recount text is used to tell an experience, event or activity  that happens in the past time. It usually uses the past tense.
2. purpose

   Tp re-talle the experience or activity that happens in the past time
3. Structure 
   - orientation
     it is the introduction of the text. it introduces setting of place , setting of time, and characteristic involved
   - series of event
   this is the part where experience . events and extivities that happened in the past are told chronologycally
  - re-orientation 
   this is the closing of the text . it consist of the conclusion of the experiences, events, and activities told in the previous part


    On my daughter's 1st birthday, i made a cake for her. i decorated it with the disney characters, mickey mouse and donald duck. it was such a wonderfull experience for me. my wife inspired me to make this special birthday cake , she was very good at making cakes.
    On that day, i went and got all item for the cake. i had never made a cake before, so i felta little bit nervous. before i made the cake , i imagined how to decorate it, and the i started right away. i choose the flavor . i made a cake with chocolate flavor . i followed the steps in the recipe carefully. and finally i could make it . it was not bad at all.
    All the people and the childern who were invited to the birthday party liked the cake. i was very proud. my wife told the guests that i made  the birthday cake. i felt satisfield when they were surprised that i could make a cake. since then making cakes has become  one of my hobbies.
   Since then , making cakes has become one of my hobbies.

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